Bize Ulaşın
In the steel industry, row material is the very primary material that is established due to manufacturing steel products. Iron Ore, Pig iron, grinding steel ball, coke, and limestone are the main raw materials in the steel making industry.
Ürün sınıflandırması/Kullanımları
In the steel industry, row material is the very primary material that is established due to manufacturing steel products. Iron Ore, Pig iron, grinding steel ball, coke, and limestone are the main raw materials in the steel making industry.
Ürün sınıflandırması/Kullanımları
Demir cevheri
Iron Ore, the primary raw material in the manufacture of steel. Steel is an alloy consisting mostly of iron and less than 2% carbon. Iron ore is, therefore, essential for the production of steel, which in turn is essential in maintaining a strong industrial base.
Direkt indirgenmiş demir
Sponge Iron ( also known as direct reduced iron) is a metallic product of iron oxide reduction in the strong state. Being replaced with scrap, sponge iron is applicable in making steel process. At temperatures bellow the melting point of iron and usually with some kind of carbon, the spongy mass is produced.
Dökme demir
Pig Iron is produced from iron ore in a blast furnace.Pig iron made from smelting iron indulges with the high amount of carbon for further processing steps.Pig iron contains at least 92% Fe and has a very high carbon content, typically 3.5 - 4.5%.
Dövme taşlama çelik bilya
From Remarkable performance to better wear resistance, forged grinding steel ball is widely used in many well-known mines. To produce forged grinding steel ball, the raw materials are heated to certain temperature, then the heated materials are deformed. Finally, after some mechanical processes the forged grinding steel ball is manufactured.
Ferro alaşımı
Including elements such as Manganese, Aluminium, or Silicon, Ferro Alloy refers to different alloys of iron. Ferro Silicon Manganese and Ferro Manganese are two conventional raw materials that we supply. Ferro Silicon Manganese is used as a deoxidezer and alloying base in steel manufacturing. Ferromanganese is on alloy of iron and manganese and is produced in electric arc furnace.
Ürün uygulamaları

[Steel casting]

[Steel casting]

[Steel casting]
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